Tuesday 16 July 2013


I roll out of bed, after mumma’s incessant wake-up calls from the kitchen. I simply fail to understand why my phone alarm clock does not ring at the right hour. Or maybe it does, and I just don’t hear it. Or even worse, I might never have tapped the correct time on the screen. Touchscreens, I tell you!

After the morning ablutions, I open my wardrobe and stare up and down, right and left, until I find the “perfect clothes” to fit my mood or fit the schedule of the day. Say, if it’s some college friend’s birthday, I’ll wear a fancy top or maybe put on a jumpsuit, or even slip into a dress(which might be almost impossible now, considering I wore a dress once to college-  as I had to reach the hotel directly for someone’s birthday, and I ended up dodging ogles from random college people!). Bottomline, after I’m done with the dilemma of the clothes, hair, accessories et al, I just rush down the stairs and jump in the car, yelling “Chalo jaldi! Today, we are very late!”.  I cross-check my mental checklist. Metro card. Check. College ID. Check. Wallet. Check. Lunch and water bottle. Check. 

As I walk down towards the metro platform, I just pray “Oh, please god, next Vaishali- vali Metro aaye, Noida-vali is too crowded. Stupid office rush.” I plug in my earphones, and hop onto the Ladies Coach of the beloved Metro.  Switching trains at Rajiv Chowk, I meet up with my friend, who is almost always late(Imagine, even more late than me!), and we listen to music, gossip throughout the journey till we reach Vishwavidyalaya, the mecca of DU! It’s stormed with students, swarming in all directions, pushing through their way, to grab a rickshaw and reach their class on time. It’s an unbelievable sight. And that’s when you realize that you’re in the North Campus. Nothing beats it! 

As we shove our way through the humongous crowd, and make the rickshaw-negotiations, I turn my head and have a quick look around. The hardwork, endless toiling and relentless studying finally paid off. It took 14 years of tough schooling to accomplish the feat. But it’s totally worth it! And when people hear the words S-R-C-C,  the effect it has on them, is to be seen to believe it. Too good to be true!

We make a leap to catch our lectures on time, otherwise, you know, the attendance goes.  Then, I catch up with my classmates and friends, and we move room to room attending lectures, bunking some (especially Corporate Law!) until we’re free for lunch! The home-lunch gets finished in the 2nd/3rd period only, so we head out to the canteen and  sip coffee or we hang around Irrfan’s, and gorge on steaming hot yummy masala Maggi! Sometimes, we walk to the Arts faculty and feast on the delicious juices to beat the heat. Yes, we’re big time foodies! And what’s the use of Campus, if you don’t explore the eateries?

Oh, and then there are society meetings. Since, writing is my forte, I have a full-fledged job to myself in the editorial wing. Brainstorming, pondering over the write-ups, proof-reading, endless editing, meeting deadlines and a lot more! 

After lunch, we just lie down in our insanely green lawns, bask in the glory and discuss the most random of topics- whatever hits our head! Who’s dating whom, the latest movies, making a list of people who repeat their clothes 3 times in a week, betting over which teacher will take an off-day, et al!

If someone has to grab their Economics readings, we head to Crystal- the Xerox hub, where students from every college queue up to pick their readings. Someone jokingly remarked one fine day, that Raju Bhaiya’s Xerox shop will be raided one day by Income Tax officials-due to the insane money he makes.
And then there’s our beloved Co-op store, where we buy our books from. Not just the books, but almost everything-ranging from pens and registers to recharge vouchers and a bottle of Coke. Even cupcakes and Lays packets. 

SRCC is famous not just for its crazy cut-offs and the bizarre placements, but for the people it nurtures. It’s the SR-ites who make it what it is today, not the other way around. The people add the color and vibrance. The red-bricked-clock-tower-building comes to life, only when people are humming around. For in the absence of people, it is just a building - made of bricks and cement. And oh yes, air-conditioned.

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