Sunday 2 June 2013


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Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice.

~Robert Frost~

The first time I heard this poem, I was watching Eclipse.
For Bella, the fire was Jacob and ice was Edward.

But, not everyone is Bella. Not everyone has Jacob and Edward, by their side.
It represents our daily relationships. Since then, this poem has stayed with me.
It symbolises fiery rage and cold indifference.

For some, fire is the ultimate destructive force.
For some, ice serves the purpose.

Both fire and ice, both anger and indifference ruins the relations - be it friends, spouse, lover, parents, anything.
But, from what I know of life and love, I think it's ice that's the ultimate destruction.

Anger shows that you still care for the person. You may want him back in your life. Or he might have been a total jerk and you are upset with him.
Sometimes, we are so irritated with someone that we feel like strangling them, or shooting them with a rifle.
But still, whatever it is, it actually affects you. His anger, his tantrums, his irascibility, his stupidity, his attitude.
Somewhere, somehow, we actually care.

But what about cold indifference?
It means that the other person has given up on you. Your existence doesn't matter to him anymore. Whether you live or die, he doesn't care. His callousness, apathy, coldness, detachment. All of it hurts us. But guess what, it doesn't even bother him.
And that is what hurts the most.

That's the reason I believe, relationships end.
No passion left anymore, not even the passion to fight.
Just plain, cold, haunting indifference lurks nearby.

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