Tuesday 30 June 2015


I am reading a mystery novel.
I am collecting my thoughts.
I am contemplating my future.
I am remembering the past.
I am so happy to be in my room.
I am trying to concentrate.
I am enjoying a pastry.
I am being inspired by a book.
I am listening to my music.
I am planning my evening out.
I am watching a great film.
I am thinking about a career change.
I am meditating.
I am reflecting on my decisions.
I am sitting in the lotus position.
I am tasting a glass of wine.
I am enjoying coffee.
I am stimulating my curiosity.
I am writing a love letter.
I am dreaming of a bright tomorrow."

I came across this quote while randomly browsing the internet one day, and it just had a life-altering effect on me. My holidays had just begun (well, college ended way too soon, and I was basking in the 2 job offers I got! YAY!) but all I did throughout the day was chat with my friends on Whatsapp/Facebook and watch a little TV and just lie down here and there, and be pretty lazy and to put it simply, I was kinda lost. And it struck me, that I always keep complaining about how little time I have to read all the novels lined on my rack and that I haven't been able to do it since quite a while due to the complexity called life and here I was, having all the time to myself but still not doing the things I've always wanted to do like painting and dancing and reading and writing. Was there some force that was stopping me? Was I starting to lose interest in all that mattered to me sometime back? Or was I just becoming a slave of the technology, that was supposedly created for mankind's benefit? How many hours per day was I losing, bothering over unnecessary stuff? 

I know it sounds weird how a single quote can almost change your life, but it did. 
It dawned on me how much time I had already thrown away and the precious minutes of my life that I wasted on pointless niceties.

It's good to take off for a while, away from the chatter and find your peace. You can find it in a piece of writing, or while completing a swimming lap, or going for that Karaoke round you've always wanted to, or by sketching a portrait you've always thought about. It could be the tiniest little thing. But you just need to find out what is YOUR THING. That tiny little thing that defines you and can make you smile on the dullest day. So GO shut your phone for a while and find your happiness. :)

Monday 27 April 2015

A terrible tiny tale.

This is my first attempt at a 25-word story a la Terrible Tiny Tale style.
Feedbacks are welcome. Just don't be a little too harsh :)

He hurried back home.
Pile of debris.
A trapped hand reached out.

He could make a million bucks again.
But his wealth was gone.

Tuesday 31 March 2015


I'm sure you all must have seen the #MyChoice video starring Deepika Padukone, as it is going viral over social media. A friend of mine asked me to watch it, as it was "amazing" in her words. And after watching it, I was just appalled. In my opinion, that video is horrible and disgusting, to say the least. For starters, why are they mixing two completely different things like adultery and feminism? That's just absurd.

I have always felt proud in thinking of myself as a feminist. And I'm sorry to say this, but that video which aims at "empowering women" has brought shame to numerous 'feminists' like me. Because it reeks of plain hypocrisy. And that's not the kind of world we hope to live in. 

Feminism is about advocating EQUAL rights for men and women. It does not aim at pulling down men. Such videos that target men are infact more damaging to the cause of women empowerment. (This link is of a counter-video to Deepika's #MyChoice. Honestly, I found it much better - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VhjOnXGXpHo)

Feminism has a lot of negative connotations attached to itself. Once and for all, it's not a battle of the genders. Not for me, atleast. We do not want to scare men away. We are not seeking to displace men from boardrooms and put them in the kitchen. We just want to be treated as equals, so that we can walk shoulder-to-shoulder with men, in any damn field. And above everything else, we just want to be respected.

I think one of the reasons why I am still a Potterhead (proudly so) is because I have unparalleled respect for Hermione. For me, she symbolises women empowerment. She doesn't believe in playing dumb and is in fact as talented as Harry and Ron, and helps them on the Horcrux hunt, as an equal. 

She's a smart, nerdy and a beautiful girl who falls for a guy who is probably not the "hero" of the story or 'The Chosen One', as they call it. She has the courage to make that kind of a choice. #HerChoice. That is feminism. That is women empowerment. She is the kind of girl I aspire to be.

Saturday 28 February 2015


So I'd like you all to read this quote that happens to be my favourite one from the show called "Desperate Housewives" (which is a really amazing show by the way, quite in contrast to its cheesy name)

“Cameras are simple tools designed to capture images. Images that tell us more about ourselves than we realize. They remind us of the long journey we’ve taken. The loved ones who traveled alongside of us. Those we lost along the way. And those waiting for us on the road ahead. Yes, cameras are tools designed to capture images. But in truth, they can capture so much more. They can uncover hidden longing of men who should no longer care. They can reveal the extraordinary secrets of the most ordinary marriages. Most amazing of all, cameras can quietly and clearly reveal to us our dreams. Dreams we didn’t even know we had.”

Friday 30 January 2015


Him and her.
They were like puzzle pieces,
Two very different shapes,
Both lost in a world of madness.
Complete misfits for the world they belonged to.

But look how they fitted together perfectly,
To form their very own masterpiece.